You can influence city policies and priorities by communicating with the Mountain View City Council or City staff.  They need your input to make wise decisions about the environment.

Meeting with council members or staff in person is the best way to effect change.  You can engage in dialog and address their specific concerns or knowledge gaps in a way that simply aren't possible in an email. Phoning them is next-best in terms of influencing their thinking, and may well be more convenient for you and for the council member.

E-mailing can also be effective (see names and addresses below).  If you send an email about a particular City Council agenda item, give the Council as much lead time as possible -- ideally 3 or more days before the Tuesday night Council meeting.  If you send email the City Clerk, she will send it to the entire city council, but give her a day or two extra to reach council.  Be sure to include the agenda item number or topic in the Subject line of your message.

City Clerk:                                           

City Council:

Ken Rosenberg (Mayor):              

Lenny Siegel (Vice Mayor):          

John McAlister (Council member):

Pat Showalter (Council member): 

Chris Clark (Council member):    

Lisa Matichak (Council member):

Margaret Abe-Koga (Council member):


Dan Rich (City Manager):            
Steve Attinger (Sustainability Mgr.):

For a full list of advisory bodies and member emails, see roster on city's website here.