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March 2025 General Meeting

  • Mountain View, CA (map)

March in the Bay Area is the greenest month – just look at the foothills, or perhaps the clothes you wore on St. Patrick’s Day.  Or notice all the bright green paint in the new bike and bus lanes on portions of El Camino Real!

Our CFMV General Meeting on March 20 at 7:30 PM will focus on the region’s public transportation funding crisis.

Our speaker will be Adina Levin.  She is the Executive Director of Seamless Bay Area (, an advocacy organization whose mission is to create an integrated, world-class public transportation system that empowers people to get where they need to go quickly, easily, comfortably and cost-effectively. To accomplish this, they advocate for funding and for policies to bring about a well-coordinated system.  Earlier in her career Adina co-founded Friends of Caltrain, supporting funding and modernization of Caltrain as part of a well-integrated regional transit system.  She is a resident of Menlo Park.

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Meeting ID: 870 3965 4885
Passcode: 362874


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• +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
• +1 669 444 9171 US

Meeting ID: 870 3965 4885
Passcode: 362874

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Earlier Event: January 16
January 2025 General Meeting
Later Event: May 15
May 2025 General Meeting